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Dear friends I am afraid it has started already. The official Asylum PANIC officer has been in touch and his first missive for Asylum XIV reads as below. 


Panic Officer website copy ​


Possums, as the sage used to say, we have less than a month left. Now, for some of you that’s a concerning matter - but fret ye not. We can afford to indulge ourselves and relax this year. You know why, of course? Why, because the Asylum is a safe place, and it doesn’t matter how you show up, it only matters that you do.

That being said, if you’re getting excited, particularly as a new joiner, you can let out a little peep of excitement. Just. Don’t Panic. That’s my job.

And, if you really fancy a jump up and down, a squeal, or for those feeling more time-pressured in the run-up to THE BIG WEEKEND (that’s what they say in the theatre, instead of saying Macbeth OH BUGGER) then please do. But… if you say the P word… Well, I’ll stop smiling, you’ll stop smiling, and... And we don’t want any nonsense.


Basically, hands-off my panic - I need it, and I’m not telling you why. Good day.




Editor’s note: This message was intercepted by an HMS Navy submarine at a depth of 3,500 ft using an experimental grapple. It was contained in a tin of baked beans. With the beans. Frankly, it was disgusting. Moist doesn’t begin to even cover it. 

Also, he’s beginning to sound a little unhinged. Wonder if he’s in his right mind?


Editor’s addendum: Also, eggs, bacon, lettuce. Take the dog for grooming. Delete this later.

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